Tuesday, October 04, 2011

M/C fanfic

Tweaking of the stuffs from the other blog. still not good though. rearranged the songs for a more coherent timeline...

Mary and Chris Fanfic Challenge
1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.

2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle. Write a fic related to each song that plays.

You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. Do this for five songs.

Obsessed - Allen
He could not control himself. He could not help looking at her, could not stop passing by her cubicle, could not stop starting nonsensical conversations, could not help teasing her just to get that enticing glint of annoyance in her eyes. He is doing everything he can, but to what end? He still could not comprehend. He does not like her. Every rational cell in his brain tells him that she is not the one for him. He is convinced that he does not want to be with her. Yet, his body does not follow his mind and still keeps trying to get closer to her. He still comes, and he could not get enough. He is obsessed.

Jet City Woman - Queensryche
She had done everything to push him away. True enough, she used to play along, when there was nothing at stake yet and she thought that she would never want him. She continued to blindly play along without realizing that she was already in the verge of falling. That was when she started to avoid him. But the more she ignored him, the more he seemed intent to capture her attention. He was suddenly always passing by, always calling her, always suggesting movies, opening conversations, even being a gentleman. Of course, he constantly teases her. And when she pays him no attention, his jokes become annoying, even hurtful. Still she held her ground, not only against him, but also against herself that wanted to be close to him. But just as she thought she succeeded in ignoring him and putting a space between them, she would catch a passing ache in his face, and all her defenses crumble and in a split second, she was back, playing cat and mouse with him.

Forever - Kiss
He was standing outside of her condominium building, looking silly with two large paper bags containing gifts accumulated the whole December that he was only taking home now. Earlier, he rushed out of the office with bags in tow, excited and certain that the Christmas break would do him good. Being away from her would bring victory to his mind that had been at war with his emotions. If only the hurt look in her face was not there when he continued to ignore even when she offered a smile as she caught him sneaking out. But knowing that he had hurt her flipped all his reasonings backwards. Now, his mind was in unison with his heart in admitting that that he will feel self-reproach every second during this vacation, not only because he had hurt her, but more so because he had ruined any chance he had with her. His stomach knotted thinking of her going back to the arms of her high school sweetheart. He can't let that happen. He can't let her keep on thinking that he doesn't care about her, when the truth is completely otherwise. No more inhibitions, he is ready to face all his fears. She is worth it.

Miss You in a Heartbeat - Def Leppard
He walked out without saying goodbye. How could he do that? She understood the awkwardness at first, she understood that what occurred between them was hard to talk about. It was okay to pretend that nothing happened. But he's acting like she does not exist, like he does not care about her, about what she feels. She could feel his apathy pierce through her heart and her pride because she cares... too much... because for nights she worried about him, about not seeing him for the whole Christmas break... because she hoped that he will miss her back.

Nothing ever dies - Kamelot
She is angry. No, him standing in front of her gate won't change that fact. Her anger won't just die simply because he is wearing a doleful look on his face, not after him treating her like crap these past few miserable weeks. The tears that dried won't come undone just because his puppy dog eyes drowns her in his stare, her pain won't disappear just because his soft fingers entwines with hers, her frail body from sleepless nights won't be invigorated by the warmth of his breath. No, she wont forgive him. Not even as he reaches for her chin and leans down and she lets him take her lips...

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