Wednesday, April 24, 2013

athena fanfic plans

So, welcome back to fanfictionland!

First order of business is to define the parameters of this fanfic.
This story would work within the confines of the Athena drama from episode 1-9 and up to the waist scene of ep 10, sans Son Hyuk's obsession with Hye In. Ok, so he can still be obsessed with her but not as a lover, because I am turning these two into siblings. I would also like to take out Son Hyuk's indescriminate killing tendencies, but that would make him too much OOC, so we can keep that. This would also be Jae Hee and Son Hyuk centric, so forget all the other characters, especially the annoying two leads. The best thing about working with JH-SH is that they are both very smart and in the know of what is going on, you can actually build the whole Athena plotline with just the two of them sitting and contemplating in the corner. So that would be that.
To move forward, this is what will be happening:
1. No suspicion of SH by the Us, at least not yet
2. Jung Woo would spill Dr. Kim's code to Hye In (come on, that is expected given his character anyway). Hye In will report that to Athena, Athena would make their move. Someone close to Jung Woo would die (how about Kwon? huh, to take care of him already) which would wake him up and suspect Hye In. Stuffs would happen, Athena would decide to let Hye In take the fall.
JH and JW would be fighting about HI somewhere in the middle of that. JH runs to SH. She goes to DIS office. His agents inform him that JH is hanging out outside. He calls JH, but instead of inviting her in, tells her to wait for him in a hotel/house/whatever because he is busy. Director Han would also be visiting, one of his agents note that JH is there. Initially, he would be scared about JH's possible involvment with Athena. Later on, he would fish and find out that JH and SH are getting chummy.
3. SH would not be happy with HI's arrest, he is trying to help her out, hence Director Han's visit. SH does some maneuvering to ensure HI's safety. JH would be a bit suspicious, even jealous--- her second boy toy interested in HI again.
4. Let that drag. Director Han would be caught, Jae Hee would be there so he can't do suicide. The problem is how to get SH in the scene as well? Hmmm. I want him showing off that he is close to JH to ensure that Director Han wont talk. Anyway, prior to this, Director Han would have already heard about the thing with JH and SH and would have warned SH away from his daughter. SH thinks aloud about converting JH into an Athena agent to Director Han's dismay.
5. Ok figured it out. SH would get special privileges for JH to see her father. More of, Director Han would be transported into custody, from NTS to local authority, and SH gets father and daughter some time together? Not solid yet. But after that meeting would be the MV scene at the bridge.
6. Back to HI, Siwon would figure out that HI and SH are actually siblings! Tada! SH would be suspect again.
7. There would be opportunities for JH and SH to kill each other but they end up saving each other everytime.
8. Anyway, the end of this will be instead of JW and HI in the ending scene, the lead couple would have their dramatic death and it would be SH and JH living their lives happily ever after... or JH could be converted into Athena (but it is still vague whether she'll be a double agent for SK)

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