Friday, June 23, 2017

saving the razor luna fanfic which i could not find anywhere anymore except here

Razor's Poem
When I face creeps
Its you I see
Oh dear
Not because they look like you
Your wonderful curves
They will never match
Its the gold in their heads
I'm excited about

I crush towers
Not to gain more power
Maelstorm, Manta, Butterfly
They mean nothing to me
Thoughts of such items
Fade at your greeting
And I am content
With that useless Boots of Elvenskin
For your smile provides
More mana and life
Than any Ring of Regen
Or Sobi Mask ever will

My brethren may frown
It's only your store I buy from
Oh dear Sena
You provide meaning for my every kill

I will continue to pawn
And save any penny I can own
So I may afford
When your heart goes on sale

Tension at the Accessory Shop

As she entered the shop, Luna stretched her arms upward, exposing her toned muscles. She was trying to relieve her weary body of stress.
“Welcome to our Village.”
Luna’s brows furrowed at the cheery salutation. The well-mannered maiden in front of her is fair and plump, with golden locks and clear skin free from battle scars that plagued Luna.
“Save your pleasantries and give me a Belt of Giant Strength.” She threw a bag of coin on Sena’s counter.
The Accessorizer picked it up ever so slowly held it on top of her palms, weighing it.
“And hurry!” Luna demanded.
“I am sorry Mistress, but your gold is not enough.”
“What?” Luna jumped down from Artemis, her black panther.
“We have raised prices. The Belt now costs 500 coins. The gnomes are having a hard time harvesting skin from the Giants due to the war.”
Blood went up Luna’s head. She does not have any gold to spare. She rushed back to the Village the moment she gathered enough gold for a Power Tread. She needs it immediately to stop the rampage of Rylai Crestfall in the Middle Lane.
“Exactly! There is a war going on. You cannot just raise prices without sufficient notice. It confuses us warriors!” She was now pounding on the counter. Sena grew pale and slightly trembled behind it.
“Save your anger for the Crystal Maiden, Luna. I will cover for your deficiency.”
The voice alone sent electric jolts through Luna’s spine. It was Razor. His helmet was off, showing his white hair extending in different directions from his head due to the massive electricity in his body. Luna was sure each strand would be as soft as silk. His pale skin glowed like the full moon and his eyes carried enchanting lightning streaks. How wonderful it would be to stare directly into those eyes; but they seem to see only Sena.
As he drew near, Luna desperately wanted to wash the dust and stench off her body.
“Boots of Elvenskin for me my fair lady,” he added, not hiding the delight in his tone.
“Lord Razor, you have worn out your boots again so quickly?” Sena now regained not only the rosy color of her cheeks but also her irritatingly pleasant and lady-like poise.
“No, I lost them this time.” He explained, scratching his head and sending sparks all over the room.
Luna would not be surprised if he lost them on purpose.
“So that is 450 for the Boots plus 50 gold coins for Ms. Moonfang.”
Razor placed a bag of coins in Sena’s hand, letting his fingers touch her palm. “Keep the change.”
“Oh!” there was a slight giggle, “I never get used to that tingle.”
Jealousy painfully clutched at Luna’s heart. She looked away, but not quick enough to not catch the Lightning Revenant’s playful smile towards Sena. She rested her eyes on Artemis, who seemed revolted at the display of … “cheesiness.”
Luna hastily went out the shop, with Artemis in tow, when Sena handed her the Belt. She waited for Razor outside though.
He reattached his helm as she climbed on top of Artemis.
“Thank you, Lord Razor.” She said. She then felt disgusted at the softness of her own voice. Below her, Artemis rolled her eyes.
“It is… As the Shadow wills.” His voice reverted back into its deep dark timbre, seeming to come from the trenches of hell, the same voice he uses to chase enemy creeps off their terrain. “Follow me to the Middle Lane once you complete your purchases. I need you there.” He said before turning his back and gliding swiftly away.
The last sentence left a cozy hum on Luna’s ears.
Artemis trotted to the First Recipe Shop with no prodding. She knew she would lose her Master for a few more seconds to the back of the Lightning Lord’s broad shoulders. 

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