Wednesday, May 01, 2013

this has to be fleshed out more, but in case i never get around to doing that

*Note: This fanfic is an au. Details of its difference from the actual TV show would be revealed throughout the narrative.
This is also Son Hyuk and Han Jae Hee centric, so you wont probably get satisfaction if you are hoping to see the other characters.

"Why don't you just ask me?"Jung Woo asked, still not loosing his cheeky smile. "Why do you try the sneaky way of making me spill it instead of asking me directly. You will know when we get back to Korea anyway."
"You don't have to tell me." Hye In suddenly turned serious. "We are here for work, remember?" She reverted back to her playful smile.

Hye In walked slowly towards the seat in front of Son Hyuk, careful not to show her shock at Son Hyuk's unexpected visit.
"Enjoyed your stay?" Son Hyuk was first to break the silence. There is no use pretending now. If Son Hyuk is here, he had probably also already heard of her activities last night.
"You said that this would be our last mission for Athena, right?" Hye In looked straight into Son Hyuk's eyes, daring him from lying.
The man in front shook his head, showing that he could not believe what he is hearing.
"What happens after we leave Athena?" Hye In pursued.
"You know what happens."
"No. All I know is that no one really leaves."
"He has really messed up with your head, has he? He is not as useful as I thought he would be. It may be best to get rid of him now, don't you think? To relieve you of your confusing thoughts." Son Hyuk leaned back on his chair and raised a hand as if to call Rhandy.
"No need for that." Hye In reached up to put Son Hyuk's hand down. "I know there is no way out of this. But I have something that will end this mission, and after this send me elsewhere... and do not touch Jung Woo."
"My dear, we are not working on a trade. whatever information you have, is rightfully mine. You cannot make demands for that bastard."
Hye In did not take her eyes of Son Hyuk. She wont until he lets it slip that he will succumb to what she is asking for. Finally, he broke eye contact and looked sideway with a sigh. That is enough assurance for Hye In.
"Jung Woo is working on decoding Dr. Kim's notes. He believes it will be the key to the nuclear project."

(This scene is pretty similar to that of EP 10, but without the lurking suspicion of the US on Son Hyuk)

"To be blunt, I do not think the information we provide you remains confidential. Whatever exchange there maybe would now have to occur between the Blue House and the White House. This marks the end of our cooperation with DIS."
"Director Kwon," Son Hyuk responded with his confident smirk, "You know you are violating protocol. Correspondences at the level of the Houses would only involve high level strategies. This particular case needs details. You give the impression that you are unwilling to share data after taking advantage of the resources the US has provided. You would not want the Blue House to make such an impression to its close ally and supporter, would you?"
"Director Son Hyuk, you would not also want the White House to appear as if its hungry for its share in the benefits this project would bring, instead of the pretense it portrays of support and counter-terrorist actions. The details you ask for is never really part of this deal." It was now Director Kwon's turn to smirk.


Son Hyuk had to erase the frown on his face when he spotted Jae Hee waiting at the corner for him. Kwon's stubborness brings the necessity of a strong ally within NTS. "You go ahead," he whisphered to Rhandy. Rhandy had walked pass her before she turned to him, giving him a bow he did not return. Instead he smiled and looked her over, as if drinking in her presence.
"You are fast. Our team was only about to be briefed when you came in." She said when he got near enough and joined him in walking. "Your intelligence report must be coming from somewhere very near the source of the action," she said smiling but with an obvious hint of suspicion.
"I told you, we know everything going around. You know where our technique lies? We are not merely observers, we are meticulous analyzers, just like you. You did not need to hear my conversation with Director Kwon before you came up with a correct conclusion, did you?" He seemed really amused and humoring her. Then he suddenly halted and turned to her. "We can take a lot from mere actions, rouge agents suddenly running to Japan would never mean nothing. Actions," at this point Son Hyuk had closed in the distance between them and had reached to brush her fingers with his thumb, "say a lot." He then suddenly turned away and headed out the sliding glass door.
Jae Hee's face remained stoic and, as she passed the corridor, estimated the angles of the surveillance cameras. She could not help but admire Son Hyuk's calculation of details. The touch could not have been captured by any eye from that corner. Only then did she allow a grin on her face.


"I think this one would be better handled by Athena on its own, rather than getting the CIA or the White House further involved."  The man on Son Hyuk's screen said. "We do not want to compromise your position in DIS, the lesser visibility you have in capacity of DIS in the the matter, the better."
"I would still have to report this matter to CIA anyway."
"You already have. Send the paperwork to me tomorrow. But I will not be pursuing an aggressive stance on this. The White House does not want to rock the relationship with the Blue House, and the CIA would adopt that policy. Athena would have to handle this on its own. Your mole at the NTS could finish the job she started."
"She had been under suspicion before. And the intelligence on the code came directly from her. If I utulize her more..." Son Hyuk was stopped by a palm on the monitor.
"Do what you have to, but keep DIS out of it," the man said before cutting off communications.

"The team handling the code is pretty close knit and protective of the information, and with the NTS cancelling all of DIS'security clearance in the facility, we cannot send help to our agent in the other department," Rhandy reported as he got word from the CIA regarding SoKor's stand on the NTS-DIS dispute.
"I guess we have no other choice. Connect me to Hye In."

"Hye In came back a day later, huh, trying to be discreet? The whole team knew you were together in Japan anyway." The captain teased Jung Woo from his cubicle, unaware of Jae Hee's listening ears from the other side of the room.

"You handed in information to her... and now DIS comes marching in before we even know what is going on." Jae Hee had pulled in Jung Woo into an empty room.
"This again? At first you did not want me to go to Japan. See what I have found there. Now, you have gone back into obsessing over Hye In's loyalty. Why dont you go and do some actual work?"
"Why are you holding on so tightly to her?" Jae Hee asked just before Jung Woo could get out the door. "All these evidences against her, and you still wont let her go... But one conversation with my father..." Jae Hee's voice began to falter.
"Jae Hee, this is not about that... this is different. I loved you... but right now, every part of me screams that she is the one, and that I could not be without her." Jung Woo said looking down on the ground and eventually stepping out of the room.
Jae Hee slumped on the seat nearest her.

The conversation with Jung Woo continued to choke her chest and squeeze her heart. She needed to get out of the NTS building or she felt that she would suffocate. Driving around, she found herself park on the side of the street across the DIS headquarters. She probably had been there awhile when someone interrupted her reverie with a knock on her window. Son Hyuk was staring at her from across the passenger side. She unlocked the door.
"Missed me already?" Son Hyuk said as he settled on his seat. Jae Hee did not respond. "Drive," he ordered.

Later on, as Son Hyuk washed himself in the bathroom after another tryst, Jae Hee pondered on the irony of her accusing Hye In as DIS' spy when it was her who was literally making her bed with the enemy.


"There seems to be some commotion at NTS, sir," Rhandy informs Son Hyuk shakily, "and we cannot contact Hye In."


"That was a nice trap you set up, Jae Hee," Jun Soo patted Jae Hee's back. "Pretty scared about what Jung Woo is going to do next though."
"Why? Where is he?"
"We cannot contact him."
Jae Hee released a sigh. "He must have really already gone crazy if he is still pursuing her after this."


"Calm down, Son Hyuk!" Phillip commanded from the screen.
"Since she is under my custody, I can look over her." Director Han responded, also from the screen.
"Make sure she does not talk, and that no incriminating information would come out." Phillip added.
"You should get her out." Son Hyuk said through clenched teeth.
"No. That would compromise Dr. Han's office. I heard they are already suspicious of Hye In's affiliation with Athena. We do not want that suspicion spilling elsewhere... that includes you Son Hyuk. I do not want any rash actions again."
"I understand. I would have to go now. No need to worry, I will treat the agent according to our interest." Dr. Han said and then signed out.
"And you Son Hyuk?" Philip turned back to him, but Son Hyuk did not answer. "I understand that personal feelings are involved, but Dr. Han would make sure nothing will happen to your sister. Everything would be under control so I do not want you doing anything to rescue her at all. I think you should go back to recovering the code. You have already failed in your primary purpose of preventing South Korea from acquiring the technology. Salvage this, and get the code for our own use."


"I heard they are linking her to Athena." Captain muttered.
"Athena? That is bigger than I thought. I guess she was not just spying for the guys at DIS, huh?" Soo Kyung joined in.
"Probably not working for DIS at all." Jae Hee thought aloud.
"Oh. I hope DIS would just take responsibility for this. If they dont, people would conclude that she is with Athena. That is a bigger problem. I would not want to imagine what Jung Woo would do." Joon Soo finished before the group turned back to silence.


"Thank you so much," Jung Woo muttered to the man across the bench from him.
"It was not difficult anyway. Everyone is scrambling for information on her. Her profile is almost at everybody's desks." The NIS agent responded. "I wonder how we let her through. Double Agent huh? I just dont know how this would help you though. I looked it over and the information is very vague, should have already alerted us."


"There is no need to visit me anymore for this. We are on the same side in this matter. The message was pretty loud and clear. You should not be compromising your position at DIS for this. It appears that this agent is pretty special to you."
"She is my best one. We would not have gone very far in this mission without her. So remember, you are holding something very special to me." Son Hyuk turned to go, but turned back with his pointy finger raised, as if remembering something. "And, to help you remember that, just think of your daughter. She is pretty special to you too, isn't she?"
"What does my daughter have to do with this?" Director Han answered in a panic.
Son Hyuk just smiled and turned to go.


"Director Kwon, the agent who set the trap for Hye In, that is my daughter?" Director Han asked.
Director Kwon seemed curious at the question. "It is a team, actually it is Hye In's team that caught her, but yes, your daughter is a part of that."
"I am afraid for her safety. It is becoming more and more clear that the DIS and NIS are not involved in the attempted stealing of the code. That just leaves Athena.Now that we have taken hold of the technology, I am not expecting much interruption anymore, maybe it would be best to assign Jae Hee to another job, such as laiasing for NTS and the Blue House."
"I do not think Jae Hee would appreciate being taken off the field. Especially that we would be starting with the construction of the plant, we would need to gather evidence for attempts to sabotage the site and its components. I am not sure if Jae Hee would allow your request to be done. Maybe you should talk to her, as a father instead."


"An urgent DIS update? As far as I know, I am the laiaison, not you." Jah Hee greeted as she met Son Hyuk on a beach front.
"What? You are the only one who can use that excuse when you want to see me?"
"But this far?"
"I am getting tired of hotel rooms. We need something with a nicer view, dont you think. Besides, you are not too busy right now. With the double agent caught, you must all have given a grateful sigh."
"I came here to receive information, not to give you any," Jae Hee smiled
"Come here," Son Hyuk took Jae Hee's hand and then pulled her into a hug. Jae Hee returned the hug tightly. They remained like that for a while. "I really am going to give you an update." He whisphered into her ear. "They are moving me back to headquarters."


In a beach house, Rhandy fumbled through a bag, going through the security keys and copying them all off. Outside, Jae Hee's car is also similarly searched.


All naked in bed...
"I think I disappointed them," Son Hyuk finds it funny that that is exactly what he felt, although he is referring to Athena instead of the Pentagon which Jae Hee assumes. "But you can still save my ass, just give me the code and my position is secured." He smiled, waiting for Jae Hee to come back with a witty retort.
Instead she kept looking grave. She pulled his head to lay on her chest and then started stroking his hair.
"You did a lot. All your interferences have somehow helped us secure Dr. Kim's formula." She said with a smile on her voice. "They should atleast be grateful it did not end up in the hands of terrorists." She then placed a peck on the top of his head. "We'll make it work," she finally added.
That is when Son Hyuk realized she did not understand that this is over when he leaves. And he suddenly felt that she was right instead. He looked up and kissed her very gently for the first time.


"I got what you need, now, secure Hye In's freedom."
"I knew you would. We are already arranging her delivery."


Hye In is being transferred from the warehouse to NIS facility. Athena agents were following close behind. After several gunshot exchanges, Hye In was gone. Nobody saw Jung Woo trailing behind.


"Last time she was in custody, she was released with incomplete report. Now, she has escaped again." The Secretary of Defense told the President. "One would think Director Han is not being careful enough."

From his room, Director Han listened through his bugging device.


"What are you doing here?" Jae Hee asked her father.


"I am fine. Do not worry about me. I will lay low for a while." Hye In told Son Hyuk.
"Where are you?"
"It is better if you do not know. I have to take care of a thing before I can come back."
"Are you with Jung Woo? NTS has been looking all over for him. They are hunting both of you down. I can better protect you."
"Oppa, there is no need to worry. Trust me, I will be well." Hye In ended the call.
"Your Brother? So Athena is a family business?" Jung Woo said behind Hye In.
Hye in opened the cellphone, teared the sim card and memory out and made a show of shooting the components and units to pieces.
"I'll advice that you further burn that. I might still be able to get data out of that."
"Why are you doing this?" Hye In shouted. "Are you even thinking? Ruining your career for me?"


"I do not understand, what is happening?" Soo Young sleepily asked.
"Director Han is gone. They are holding Jae Hee and they want us to check out all her logs." The Captain responded.
"What?" So Young still did not understand.
"This is shit. Why would they even suspect Jae Hee? Everyone knows she does not have good relations with her father." Joon Soo said non-commitally scrolling up and down Jae Hee's log files.
"Why exactly is Director Han gone? They are suspecting him and Jae Hee?"
"They think the Director is part of Athena, having been in charge when Hye In escaped. I believe bugging incidents where also traced from his office in the Blue House. They cannot find him. And now, they are suspecting Jae Hee because of blood affiliations." The captain said, as he looked over Jae Hee's filed reports. "We are not even the official inspecting party, NIS would be sending someone over later. Director Kwon just wants to make sure we find something, if something needs to be found, before they do."
"Oh," Joon Soo suddenly gasped.
"What is it?" said Soo Young concerned.
"Why would Jae Hee copy off the nuclear plant code and formula to an external drive?"
"Maybe she wants to open it in her computer."
"But we are sharing it on the network."
"That is not really a big deal," the Captain shrugged.
"But it might be to the auditors." Soo Young said gravely.


"Hye In is out, but now they have Jae Hee. How could Director Han be so careless?" Son Hyuk thougth while sitting in a bar with his CIA/Athena senior.
"Director Han has no worries. He is confident they wont find anything on Jae Hee." his CIA/Athena senior muttered.
"Affiliation such as that is enough to ruin a career." Son Hyuk answered. "And some logs of copying crucial information," he thought but did not say.
"At least she would not go through the usual torture. They think she is pregnant. I wonder how Director Han would react if he knew? It has gotten very messy down there. Good thing we got you out early."


"Rhandy. Pump our agents at NTS and NIS for more information on Jae Hee's case. I want real time update on her situation." Son Hyuk ordered.


"Mr. President, I asked her to transfer it in and deliver it to my house. It is too top security we do not share the files online." Director Kwon told the President.
"Your other boy, Jung Woo, had gone rouge as well?" The President questioned.
"I still do not believe he is with Athena sir, as much as I do not believe Ms. Han is. This organization is too smart, they are letting my men take the fall for their actions. But Ms. Han, would have run away with her father rather than get caught, dont you think?"
"This is a matter of national security and I cannot go against objectivity with just your belief in your men, Director Kwon."
"Director Han came to me before. He is scared for Jae Hee's life. Maybe he is blackmailed into joining the organization."
"Then wouldn't Jae Hee be safer in our hands, given her pregnant situation?"


"They would be letting her go. I dont think they found anything on her." Rhandy reported.
"When? I would have to arrange to see her."
"In three days. She would be under tight surveillance, Sir."
"Can't we schedule our agent to survey her for a while?"
"It can be done."
"Good. Right when she gets out then?"
"I'll work it out."


"Jae Hee, it would be temporary. And it would also be best, given that you are pregnant. Just think of this as vacation time and relax." Director Kwon accompanied Jae Hee to her home right after her release.
"Would it really be possible? To recover from the stigma of the betrayal of my father?"
"You are a good agent. When we need a hand, they will surely activate you again. Are you sure you want to stay here alone?"
"I do not want to subject my aunt's family to surveillance. I can manage myself. Thank you so much." She led Director Kwon to the door. When she turned around, she saw Son Hyuk standing behind her. Tears began to form in her eyes. "You are here." She said walking slowly towards him.
"Yeah," He said, not moving.
"They are all watching."
"You do not believe in my sneaking ability? I am a pretty sneaky spy too before all the paperwork... and I do not care." He began to move forward, reached her and cupped her face.
She leaned into him and melted in his arms, tears finally flowing.

Later on, in Jae Hee's bed, fully clothed this time.

Son Hyuk laid his head on Jae Hee's stomach. "It's in there?"
"What are you doing? You cannot hear anything yet. It is too small."
"How old then?"
"A month? I think it is from the last time. We were too sad about you leaving, we were not careful enough." There was sudden sadness in her last phrase.
Son Hyuk detected it and looked up at her. "What is wrong?"
"Everything, this, my dad, you being away. It seems so difficult. You are not disappointed?"
"Do I look even a bit disappointed? I am even grateful that I would not have to chase you down to not doing missions while you are pregnant."
"The situation is not something to be grateful about."
"I know losing your career and your dad is horrible, but I lost my family very early on. And here," he said pointing to her belly, "is another chance to build what I have lost. I am sorry if I feel grateful."
"Family? You think we can do that?"
"Yes. I do not know how yet. But we can." Son Hyuk was convincing himself that what he was telling her was for show. But later on, he found himself subconsciously contemplating of finding a way out of his agency, and more importantly, Athena.


Soo Young was visiting her.
"We knew they would find nothing on you. We were a bit worried though. Since there was a log of you copying off files externally. But the inspectors did not bother to look into that."
"Copy externally?"
"And you are not telling me, you are in a relationship with someone? Hay, you are not sharing anything."


"You got the information on the code after all?" Jae Hee called up Son Hyuk.


"For a very long time, I had been very confident. If I want something, I always think of ways to get it, no matter what the price, I am willing to pay. The ultimate price I can think of is my life, anyway, and I do not value it that much. If I can get power and comfort, I am willing to gamble my life. However, most of the things I want had only required of wits and playing up other people. Threats on my safety, I had learned to treat it nothing as a mental game. Even danger had lost its thrill after going into life threatening situations over and over again.
This is the first time I do not know what I would do. Because for the first time, I am afraid to die. I am afraid of missing out years with you, or even just seeing our child's eyes just once. Suddenly, I feel that I have never really wanted all the things I have ever ran after before, and that you by my side is the only genuine wish I had ever had.
Sadly, I know that my life and being with you are two mutually exclusive wishes. This is a dead end for me. If I surrender to the CIA, they will imprison me. Worse, Athena would be after you and our child. If I continue with Athena, you will hate me, and they will also use you as a blackmail object over my head. Either way, you would not be safe. But if I die, you will be left alone. Your conscience and honor would be intact, and you and our baby would be safe.
Take care and be happy.
I love you." – To Jae Hee

"I never had anything to live for. But now that I have found it, all it requires for me to do is to die. Promise to take care of them." – to Hye In

“What are you doing here?”
“What do you think of me? Do I look so weak to you? You want to protect me, but I also want to protect you.”
“Now is not the time to prove your strength. You must prioritize the safety of the child.”
“I also want to be with you. And I also want you to see our child. There is a way out of this. Do not lose heart too easily.” Jae Hee grabs at Son Hyuk’s back and hugged him. “I can run, run all my life, if I would be with you. Who needs a normal life? Ours is never normal anyway.”


"Yu Jin has not come back yet?" CIA senior asked. Son Hyuk nodded.
“An NTS agent is trailing her.”
“Why don’t she just kill him?”
Son Hyuk was silent for a while. “He has gone rouge just to follow her. He fancies her. His infatuation maybe useful in the future.”
“And Yu Jin?”
“Is just tagging him along.”
“Alright, let her play. There are no immediate assignments anyway. We would be laying low in a while. But you would be back in Asia, China, in a month. Legitimate CIA duties.” The senior smirked.
“For what?”
“You are still DIS director. You would have to oversee the region.”
Son Hyuk smirked back. He was not demoted after all.

A year after…
Jung Woo has just came from suspension due to going rouge. He has a desk job at NIS. He had lost track of Hye In, who was now in inactive duty. Son Hyuk has gotten pretty comfortable in China.

At an new year’s party of an official for anti-terrorism intelligence officers…
Chinese Official: Director Kwon is in the country. It is a shame he could not attend tonight.
Korean liaison: I ask for your understanding. NTS is in a very busy period. The director is retiring.
Japanese liaison: Yes, to be replaced by a woman?
Korean liaison: Yes, Han Jae Hee.
Chinese Official: Yes, I have seen her in meetings before. Very tough, but such a pretty face. I guess that is the generic build of a successful female spy.
Son Hyuk: That is the generic build of a successful male spy as well. Case in point (he pointed to himself and the boys around him, eliciting laughter)
Japanese liaison: And good connections. I think her father is very close to the President? (He was posing this question more to the Korean liaison)
Korean liaison: Yes, Director Han
Son Hyuk: More than that, though, she is very good.
Korean liaison: Yes, you have worked with her, have you? DIS’ first office was in Seoul, for the nuclear power technology.
(Chinese and Japanese guy turned to be more attentive, they were hoping to get a scoop on the said technology from Korea)
Son Hyuk: (not wanting to discuss the nuclear power any longer) Yes. She is as difficult as Director Kwon, but at least she will be an eye candy, so we better make sure she attends parties like these in the future (he ended with a smirk).

“Director Kwon is such a foolish ass. Not wanting to accept any assistance. Now I have to help cleaning up the mess.” Said the annoyed Chinese official. He was still hangover from last night’s party.
“I am so sorry for having to come to you. But this is a matter of global safety, that is why the US Government is getting involved.”
“Oh, we are all just victims of Kwon’s incompetence. Now, here are the intelligence report from last night. But I am sure your men were there too so I do not know if this would add to anything.”
Son Hyuk knew he would have to read the report himself. The Chinese Official have obviously not opened it yet. Of course he knew a lot more than what the report would say.

Han Jae Hee landed on Beijing looking extremely grave. She was in charge of securing the uranium package when it comes to Korea, but the package disappeared in China, so she now has to come here.
“We tested the package at the border and it was intact. But when we loaded it at the pier, we found out that we were carrying fake ones.
“Director Kwon?”
“Coordinating with the DIS.”

Son Hyuk getting out of Director Kwon’s office at the Korean Embassy sees and nods to Jae Hee who was about to enter. “It has been a long…” He was cut off by Jae Hee’s palm.
“Do not talk to me.” She was about to turn the knob.
“That would be difficult. You see, you will be once again liaising between NTS and DIS, the Chinese IA, and all others who will be helping.”

“Director Kwon, I would be doing a lot given the situation. I would not have enough time to be reporting to the DIS.”
“You have dealt with him before. And you will be dealing a lot with his agency in the future. Besides, you would have to practice restraint from doing things on your own from now on. That is what a Director does. Watch from the sidelines and do political relations, not field duties. It is something I had not quite mastered myself. I do not want you to make the same mistake.”
“This is not your fault Director.”
“Then whose is it? So help me Jae Hee. Help me recover the Uranium and my honor before I retire.”

“Iris has double crossed us. We cannot locate where they brought the package.” Phillip called from the monitor.
“I guess I would be helping out in the search for the uranium for real.” Son Hyuk responded then finished the call.
“I never felt comfortable dealing with Iris.” Hye In said from the couch behind him. “You need any help?”
“Yes. I need you to attend a matchmaking date so I can marry you off and keep you quiet.” He said disdainfully.
“You know I am your best agent. You need me. You have to intel whatsoever. I can get it done for you.”
“Yes, before you fall in love with an Iris agent and beg me to let Athena let you go again? Just go find Jung Woo and marry him instead. At least I had dealt with him before.” That should shut her up. Jung Woo is always a sore subject.

“She had been useful, but now I regret playing with her. Not only can I not seduce her again, she will give me a harder time than Kwon,” are the thoughts running through Son Hyuk’s head as he attends yet another useless meeting. He had been keeping a healthy distance from Jae Hee in meetings like this. He is hoping she would get use to him around and would eventually be calloused to his presence. Thus, he was in a hurry to get out of the meeting when it finished. He was wonderfully out the door and into the corner before anyone else. Unfortunately, the gorgeous Chinese executive secretary caught him at the corridor and began flirting with him. Jae Hee decided to pass by the same corridor unexpectedly and looked at him as if saying, I know what you are doing.

“Send in Hye In.”
“She is not doing anything. And you are not progressing. She screwed up the last time. Now is the time for her to make up for it.”
“It will be done.”

“They have not come out of China yet. They cannot exit at Russia. The Russians want those uranium too so they are also being careful.”
“So they are at the northern border?”
“NTS has asked for assistance at the South China Sea. There is nothing there then?”
“Where do they get their intel reports? That is probably just a diversion.”
“I’ll send Rhandy and the team to go up there. Even if bogus, I have to keep up appearance and offer full support to the South raid… Hye In, take care.”

“NTS has report on the South, but we would be looking up the Northern border.”
“Jung Woo, are you ready for your first mission in almost a year?”
“Yes, I am excited.”

“Hye In?”
“We are closing in on them. There is a problem though. There are other Korean Agents in here.”
“I guess they were playing us as well. Trying to get DIS all worked up at the shipyards. Should I tip the Chinese?”
“No. I don’t think they know we are here. We can just let them do the job and sweep in when they have taken down the Iris men.”
“And then I’ll send in the Chinese when you are done. Red tape should slow down the NTS agents.”

“Who do they have?”
“One of ours and two NTS agents. It is suspected that all three are injured.”
“Do we already have clearance to negotiate?”
“Chinese officials are stating that we should not negotiate with terrorists.”
“These are pirate smugglers.” Son Hyuk stated.
“Well, these are the terrorists of Capitalism,” the Chinese official interrupted. “I am sorry, but we want to gain leverage on this one. We have been wanting to crack this syndicate wide open for a long time now. So no negotiation. We are going to pound on them. NTS will be joining. Feel welcome to join the party as well.”
“By the end of this, our agents will probably be already dead.”
“Oh, believe me, attacking is faster than talking.”
Son Hyuk was pretty shocked to see Director Kwon at the strategy meeting. He had left coordination for this operations to his assistant. Even DIS intel indicated that the uranium they are looking for are not at the ship dock, but NTS was very insistent. He sent a 10 man support system out of courtesy. He looked for Jae Hee. Not around. Maybe she was in-charge of the border operations Hye In reported.
“Director Kwon,” he nodded to the director slumped in the chair.
“They have sent a video feed to prove that the agents are still alive.” A staff called out, turning on the wall screen.
A shot of Joon Soo, Le Wei Tai… and Jae Hee came into view. Joon Soo looked groggy. Le Wei Tai’s arm is bleeding from a gunshot. Jae Hee is unconscious with blood still seemingly flowing from her head.
“Why are we not just negotiating?” Son Hyuk asked angrily.
“We cannot let them go. We have confirmation of uranium in that barge.” Director Kwon looked glum.

“Director Han?” on the phone.
“My daughter is hostage?”
“Why are you not negotiating?”
“Do not worry. I am personally coming in for her.”

“Get me a vest. No, run to the office to get my vest.”
“You are joining the rescue team sir?”
“What do you think?”

He covered Jae Hee with his body from the blast. Various shrapnels entering his body. The sound of the explosion got his nauseous but it seemed to have stirred Jae Hee. Her eyes were the last things he saw before he fainted.

“The DIS director was pretty brave, coming in himself to save you.” Director Han said to his bedridden daughter. Jae Hee had a feeling of where this is going so she did not respond. “I have heard whisphers about the two of you before… I do not think it is a good idea to be close to him.”
“The man saved my life. Could you not be just grateful? And how can you think badly of such gossip after he risked his life to save me?”
“Precisely why I think back to such gossip. DIS was not the least bit interested in the operations, but he suddenly swooped down there when he learned you were hostaged.”
“And that is a bad thing?”
“Getting involved with him is.”
“Why? You once asked Jung Woo to quit being a field agent if he wants to see me. Son Hyuk gives out order from his desks all day long, and only goes out to field to save me. That is a bad thing.”
“So you are seeing him?”
“No. But since you dislike him so much, I just might.”

“Not dizzy anymore?” He greeted when she entered his hospital room, nodding to his security detail to get out.
He had been getting ready to check out. She had been in there before with her father and other officers but it is the first time she came in alone.
“Yeah. Already going out I see?”
 “Yeah, I see you have already gone out?” He said, noting that she is out of her hospital gown.
“Yeah. I have already gone to work actually. Today seems to be the only day you don’t have visitors.”
“Checking out my schedule?”
“I wanted to see you alone.” She came near him. “Thank you.” She said, touching his hand. Flashes of their first night together ran through both their heads. Son Hyuk made a move to grab Jae Hee but she pushed him away, but with a smile.
“I said thank you, not, I forgive you.” She said with Son Hyuk’s hand on her arms giving her a tingling feeling.
“Oh, so saving you and shielding you from a bomb explosion is not enough to soften a part of your heart.” Son Hyuk is still grinning and holding Jae Hee and leaning closer.
“It has, that is why I am talking to you and thanking you, but you have not really apologized yet.”
“I did tell you.. . you should be able to understand more from actions.”

In one fluid motion he scooped her up and brought her to bed, oblivious to the pain under his badges.
“I cannot control this anymore. All the angry glares you have given me have gotten me all worked up.”
“It worked then,” Jae Hee teased.
Son Hyuk swooped down and captured her lips.

Jung Woo saw Hye In in the squabble. Later on he reported that they are not only facing Iris, Athena is probably involved as well. Hye In had successfully ran off with half of the weight of the original uranium order.

“So Iris had split the package. The one retrieved at the pier is less than a quarter of the original weight ordered.” CIA senior said on the phone.
“Yes. Chinese authorities are not releasing it though. Should we take a chance to nab it?”
“No need. We already retrieved our share. Since Iris is the main suspect in this one, let us fly out of the radar and not endanger our organization anymore.”

“Still having problems with your uranium?” He showed up at the Korean embassy.
“I think the Chinese want it for themselves.”
“We received intelligence on something happening up north.” Son Hyuk started fishing.
Jae Hee’s eyes narrowed. She had gotten a report from NIS. NIS going on operation without talking to NTS has caused bad blood between the two agencies’ relationship. Worse, NIS lost the package. “Would you like to share?”
“No. But it makes me curious. NTS really did not seem to know. So I guess NIS acted on its own?”
“If you have heard, then you could have told us.”
“Do not be angry. I have also just learned after. These situations make me want to go back to field. It is as if my agents do not know what they are doing these days.” He said defensively and finished with a smile to lighten up the conversation.
Jae Hee smirked back, pushed a door open and entered with Son Hyuk for a meeting.

He has better relationship now with Jae Hee, which is good for cooperation, but is worse in terms of personal relations. He never wanted to be close to her again, yet when she is around, he can never seem to stop himself.

“Jung Woo is now at NIS. I decided to poke around when I thought I recognized him.” Rhandy reported.
“He was at the northern border mission?” Son Hyuk asked,
Rhandy nodded. “But he was not one of the persons held by the Chinese authorities who responded on the scene.”
“And Hye In has not come back with you.”
“She came with us up until the hand off at ___. But then she disappeared.”
Son Hyuk did not respond and looked glum.
“I have tried to track her, but could not find her.”
“Do better then. I am afraid she’ll be causing trouble.”

“Yes?” Son Hyuk warily answered his phone.
“I have something to report to you. Would you mind to meet outside?” Jae Hee said on the other line.
“I am not going to fall for that again.” Son Hyuk answered seriously. Jae Hee was probably not expecting that as she fell silent for a while.
“Then just have a drink with me then.”
He wanted to say no but instead he said, “Only if we are drinking coffee.”

Maybe it was the lack of alcohol… or Rhandy sitting a few tables away, but this meeting is a lot more uncomfortable.
“What is your intel on the rest of the uranium?” Son Hyuk immediately went down to business.
Jae Hee answered him with a questioning stare.
Blah blah blah
“You really want me to embarrass myself?”
“No, I don’t, that is why I am leaving.” Son Hyuk began to stand up.
“Did my father talk to you?”
Son Hyuk paused and grinned. “What?”
“He does that. And it seems that you have been talking to him a lot recently.”
Yes they have, but not really about Jae Hee. “You are tired.”
“No, I am confused. We had an understanding when you left last year, even if you are staying at far away US. But then I learned you transferred to China a month after, did not try to reach me and even avoided my calls. The next thing I knew you risked your life to save me, and now you are ignoring me again.” She had slightly raised her voice, prompting Son Hyuk to sit down near her.
“You have been looking too much into what I have been doing. Have you stopped and think about what you are doing? What exactly do you expect to come out of this? We (he pointed to the two of them) would never work out. I know that I would never work out with anyone. We will only be wasting time with each other when there are a lot of more important things to be done.” He stood up. “You said I never apologized, it is because I am not sorry I avoided you. It is the best thing that I could have done.”
Later, on his car, Son Hyuk realized how honest he had been with what he said to Jae Hee.

The US was pretty happy with the recovery in the southern port. No one was really sure how much was lost at the northern border. After NIS’ report, Athena is also suspect. The hunt for the northern border uranium was not under Son Hyuk’s jurisdiction anymore, and was given to West Asia DIS. He was asked to concentrate on locating the rest of the shipment, which is believed to have not exited China yet. On his security line, he received a message from Hye In. “Help, on the run from Iris.”

“Jae Hee.”
“Jung Woo? You do not sound alright. Where are you?” Jae Hee asked. Jung Woo has been missing in action since the northern border clash.
“I need help. We are being targeted by Iris agents.”
“We? Who are you with? And where are you?”
“I called you because I know I can trust you. I am with Hye In.”

Jae Hee knew she had to do this on her own. She wants Hye In captured, but for the oddest reason, Jung Woo’s request had a bigger tug on her. She is bringing along Joon Soo, with Kwon’s approval under the pretext that she would be checking out an intel report. Which may also be true. Jung Woo did not talk about the Uranium, but if Iris and Athena agent are involved, then, she maybe heading right through the uranium trail. She’ll tell Joon Soo what they really are up to when they come near the place Jung Woo indicated.
“I can pick them up sir.” Rhandy was opposed to the idea of Son Hyuk leaving his DIS post amidst all the political turmoil and running right through the arms of Iris. He almost got slapped though.
“Iris had been trailing them nonstop, but you could not locate them, shithead. Hye In is bleeding out there in the snow.”

Son Hyuk did not want to bring in a big party to avoid attracting attention, so it was just him and Rhandy. Son Hyuk was expecting to see Jung Woo there but the latter was extremely surprised to find him there.

Joon Soo and Jae Hee who got there a little bit earlier, were waiting inside the warehouse.
“Couldn’t this be a trap. If Jung Woo called through Hye In’s emergency number, then wouldn’t that be sending Athena agents down here?”
“I don’t know, he said that the line is for Hye In’s family.”
Joon Soo suddenly stood up. When Jae Hee looked up, she was surprised to see Son Hyuk in front of her.

“She was delirious when she told me to contact you.” Jung Woo narrated.
“Delirious? She is wounded? Two days ago? And you left her with the Iris agents?”
“She said I should get help, that they will keep her alive until she has not revealed where Athena brought the uranium.”
“A syndicate dispute then. The question is how much does DIS know. Athena and Iris are scrambling against each other, but it seems the US is relaxedly grinning.” Jae Hee interrupted. “What is she to you and why are you harboring an Athena agent? Is she a double agent?” Son Hyuk ignored her. “We have been looking for her for a while and I bet you knew exactly where she was.”
“I bet Jung Woo here knows more a lot than I do.” Son Hyuk responded. “Are we here to save Hye In or open our hearts to one another? Let us strategize really fast. They are probably moving fast, if we want to catch up with them we better have a plan now.”

Blah blah blah, they saved Hye In.

Jung Woo was first to get to her. Son Hyuk rushed when he saw her and got her off of Jung Woo’s arms.
“Oppa,” Hye In whisphered when she saw Son Hyuk.
“We have to get you to a hospital.”

“She lost a lot of blood.” The doctor said.
“I’ll be giving her blood.” Son Hyuk volunteered right away.
Even Rhandy is shocked by the outcome, but he stayed away from the rest of the NTS agents.
“So, they are siblings?” Joon Soo gave the rhetorical question.

Joon Soo looked at Rhandy, who was keeping an eye on them from a distance. “What will we do? Should we get her arrested?”
“Let us not think about that. We are not even sure if she will survive.” Jung Woo pleaded.
Jae Hee sat silently in a corner. Then her phone rang.
“Where are you?” Kwon asked in the other line.
“I’m just checking out a lead as I’ve said.”
“Anything on that front?”
Jae Hee eyed Jung Woo for a while. Jung Woo was aware of what was being asked. He gave his most outmost pleading look.
“Nothing. We found nothing here. I’ll write the report when I get back.”
“That is actually good. We have intel of a handoff at the Beijing airport. I need you back right away.”
“Okay.” Jae Hee hanged up. “We have to go Joon Soo.”
Jung Woo grabbed Jae Hee’s hand. “Thank you.”
“Do not thank me yet. I might change my mind when I leave here. So you better be up and running by then. Better yet, pray that our operations at Beijing would be a success.”
Joon Soo and Jae Hee passed by Rhandy who was talking on the phone. He was probably receiving orders for Son Hyuk. Jae Hee wondered what to do with him. He was actually a bigger consideration in revealing Hye In’s whereabouts. Jae Hee paused, and talked to Rhandy. “Tell your boss he can come back. I am not telling on him, not yet atleast.”

The airport mission was a success. The inter agency cooperation was celebrated in a club, sponsored by the Chinese official.
“You are right. We can never be together.” Jae Hee said as she passed by Son Hyuk. He pulled her into the dance floor. “How involved are you?”
“You would not believe whatever I say.”
“Jung Woo has ran off with her?”
Son Hyuk remained silent.
“Why are we even dancing, if you will not be talking anyway?”
“To dance.” Son Hyuk rested both his hands on her hips.
“Oh, please,” Jae Hee pushed him and began walking away. Son Hyuk pulled her back. “What?” She asked.
Son Hyuk suddenly looked like a bucket full of cold water fell on top of him. “Nothing,” he said then he let her arm go.

“These are the men who helped out the Athena agents.”
“The DIS chief?”
“He provided her with blood. Probably a relative.”
“And the future NTS chief.”
“And daughter of Director Han.”
“Interesting personalities. But such high ranking officials for the wounded agent? She must be pretty special.”
“Or she could be a double agent for the DIS or NIS. The man with him came with the NIS team. And it seems the Athena team has abandoned her.”
“You are not sure about anything yet?” The man threw the pictures to the ground. “It seems that you are not doing your job. Find out right away.”

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